Remember my husband’s friend who found me on the internet after 15 years? Well I found out how and I think it’s a pretty cool story.
She was looking for a contemporary quilt design for her mother to make her a quilt. Surfing the web, she came across this website . It’s one man’s personal website about his travels (he’s been to 172 countries- even Estonia!) and interests. Turns out he has an interest in quilts due to his grandmother and wife who are quilters. He attended the 2007 Quilts, Inc. show in Chicago and took a bunch of pictures of the quilts on display, including the one I had exhibited “Treasure Chest.” He had my name on it, but spelled it “Helle-Mae”. My friend saw it and thought there was a chance it could be me with a misspelling, so she googled the correct spelling and Voila! came up with my website. I just think that’s pretty cool! Check out the website – this man has beautiful pictures of people from all around the world.
Good news! I finally finished the pattern instructions for the Christmas Candy TableRunner and Wallhanging on Friday. Just need to put the cover together and it’s off to the printer! The delay was in being able to produce the diagrams I wanted to include and figuring out a way to incorporate it with what I had already written for the bedsize quilt. Long story short – for some unknown reason, the drawing tools that I had mastered in Word, no longer operate the same way since I upgraded my Microsoft Office package to include Publisher. Very frustrating, Mr. Gates !!!!
So, not wanting to spend more money on software (my friend wants me to get Adobe Illustrator), I went back to the TurboCad program I bought last spring (very inexpensive – but could not make heads or tails of) and figured out how to use it! So here I am the frustrated engineer – elated that I can draw with CAD!!! I keep teasing my husband that he can hire me now! Let’s just say that it’s great to know that when you dust the cobwebs off – there still is a functioning brain in there!!!
I’ve said this before, but I hope now between Publisher and the TurboCAD I can put on paper what is in my head and that pattern writing should take a lot less time! I missed my end of January deadline – but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I just hope no one turn off the light to save energy!
Another Test 2-7-09