Where did this fall go? I had such great plans to be up and fully functioning on my website by now. I was so naive about the amount of time I’d really have to dedicate to this new venture. I have been making progress, just not as fast as I’d like. It has been one huge learning curve after another – establishing a new business, setting up the website, learning how to write pattern instructions and drawing diagrams, setting up the blog, and now trying to get the on-line store set-up, just to name a few. In all honesty, despite a lot of frustrating moments, the times when I finally felt like I understood or mastered a new skill were very satisfying.
After being a stay at home mom for exactly the past 6 years (my last official day of work was December 1, 2002) , one of the things that I have really missed has been the challenge of learning new things. Yes, I have learned a lot as it relates to child rearing and I’m still learning – but I’m talking more about mental challenges – brainy stuff. As I’m sure other stay at home moms who have left careers to raise their family will attest – its a bit of a challenge to switch gears so completely.
In conclusion, I’m very excited about learning all this new stuff, but this 44 year old brain just isn’t absorbing it all as fast as I’d like! And this mother of 5 (almost 6) and 9 year old boys doesn’t quite have as much time or energy as she though she would! So bear with me on this!