Here are a few pictures I snapped while at Spring Market.
I passed this guy on my walk to and from the Convention Center. He was made of the bridges that symbolize the city – my guess he was about 20 feet tall. I took this picture for my boys, of course!
Here is an overview of the show as seen from the catwalk on Sunday morning before the show opened. This is just half of the show floor!
I tried to focus in on the area where the Island Batik booth was. The arrow in the next shot shows my quilt. It was hard to get photos on the floor becasue the the entire ceiling was open to natural light. This made fo a verywell lit and airy feeling to the whole place, but when the sun was shining in just the right spot, a bit too bright!
That is one of Judy Niemeyer’s beautiful paper pieced quilts acting as the backdrop to Dandelion Wine. The 2 quilts complimented each other nicely.
Now that you’ve seen how big the show was, you can imagine how surprised I was that Mark somehow noticed my quilt!
Hmmmm, I was thinking there was going to be a photo of you with a look of sheer “HOLY COW!” on your face! Darn that husband of yours! Tell him next time he needs to catch these moments on film (or pixels–guess no one uses film any more!)
I’m sure it would not have been a flattering photo!